Psychedelic Salvation: Could Ibogaine be the cure for drug addiction?
It’s a radical and even dangerous treatment, but some believe it’s the only effective cure for serious drug addiction. Ibogaine, a hallucinogen made from the African iboga root, is said to eradicate drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, crack and even heroin. Coconuts TV traveled to the Thai island of Koh Phangan to follow two addicts undergoing ibogaine treatments and see what this psychedelic plant medicine is really capable of.
For more of our host Barbara Woolsey’s work, go to:
Additional Credits:
Footage from “Ibogaine – Rite of Passage” by ICEERS
Title visuals by Color Trips Animation LLC (
Sponsorship of Broc’s treatment by Ibogaine Thailand (
Tweets by CoconutsTV