Alcohol Withdrawal

Pharmacology of Alcohol Withdrawal (Very simple)
In this video, I will be explaining the pharmacology of alcohol withdrawal, and why it is so dangerous.

To understand the withdrawal, you first must understand the pharmcodynamics of alcohol. Alcohol exhibits it’s effects by two routes

1. Blocking “antagonizing” NMDA receptors. NMDA is an excitatory neurotransmitter, blocking the receptors for this neurotransmitter means it cannot exhibit it’s excitatory effects and thus slowing the brain down

2. Activating GABA receptors. GABA is an inhibtory neurotransmitter, activating this receptor inhibits brain activity.

When someone withdraws from alcohol two things occur.
1. The NMDA receptor becomes very sensitive to NMDA since this is the first time in the while it has been activated. This make the excitatory effects of NMDA very pronounced, leading to seizures and anxiety

2. The GABA receptor becomes very insensitive to GABA since it has become so used to being activated by Alcohol. This means that GABA cannot slow down the brain leading to seizures and panic attacks