
HOOKED ON HEROIN: Teens Fighting Battle of Their Lives
COLUMBUS (Yolanda Harris/Sean Rowe) — Known cases of heroin use among young people in Ohio are on the rise, according to recent reports from the Ohio Department of Health.

In fact, state numbers show heroin addiction in Ohio at an all-time high. ABC6/FOX28 News spoke with three young heroin addicts in recovery to find out how they got hooked and what they’re doing in their respective lives to recover.

“We had a talk, with this last relapse, your choices are jail, death or recovery and that’s it,” said Nancy, whose son is a heroin addict. “There are no other roads to go down with this.”

Her son, Wyatt, is 19 years old and a recovering heroin addict. She says he started smoking it when he was 16 years old. By 17, he was shooting up.

Wyatt said, “It is the single best, worst feeling you’ll ever have in your life because you know how good it feels and then you realize, crap I have to do that again.”

According to Dr. Steven Matson, who specializes with addictions, many young heroin users start out with opiate pain-killers like Vicodin and Percocet. Sometimes they’re prescribed … sometimes they’re not.

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