
How to manage pain with Methadone Dr Rodriquez and Delray Center
Pain management with Methadone.m4v: Dec 28, 2010, 08:37 PM
“Lets talk about pain management with Methadone. Methadone is a well-tolerated very effective form of pain management for somebody with a severe injury that usually would be chronic. Certain types of pain tend to respond possibly even better to Methadone then to other medications. Neuropathic pain as what would be seen with an injury or with diabetes tends to respond a little better to Methadone sometimes then other conventional pain medications. Methadone has some desirable properties that makes it useful for pain Medications management one of those the lower cost compared to other medications. The other is the very long half life. It allows for once a day or twice a day dosing and a rather smooth effect over the course of the day in terms of management of the pain. Now certain precautions have to be taken with Methadone when taken for pain management. That starts with the dosing Methadone dosing when somebody takes it for the first time needs to be rather low. This is for safety reasons Methadone is very easy to overdose on and every precaution must be taken when somebody tries Methadone for the first time. Nobody should ever try Methadone for the first time at home on there own at home. People should only try Methadone as prescribed by a physician. Usually Methadone is started under physician observation in the office where it is safe and where dosage adjustments can be made quickly safely and easily.” West Palm Beach FL, Delray Beach FL, Boca Raton FL, Boynton Beach FL, Lantana FL, Ft Lauderdale FL, Parkland FL, Pompano FL, Deerfield Beach FL Raul J Rodriguez MD, a double Board Certified Psychiatrist and Addictionologist, discusses addiction and family history