Drug Abuse Education – It’s a Fact!
In this episode Nicolas and Marla talk about drug and substance abuse issues:
● Be a winner with our cool video game about living responsibly and making the right choices.
● Meet Sgt. Williams who tells us about three harmful substances that will prevent you from being the very best that you can be.
● Find out why it really matters how you choose to approach a problem and how you think about it.
It’s a Fact! is an empowering and informative Caribbean animated series for children.
It’s a Fact! is produced in Barbados by Vividview for the Caribbean region and Diaspora.
Voice Actor: iNDRANi
Featuring: Sgt. Carl Williams, Royal Barbados Police Force
Animation: Marcel Pragnell
Illustration: Marcel Pragnell & Jason Cole
Music & Sound Design: Brian Marshall, Shoestring Studios
Written & Directed By: Liesje Cole-Pragnell
Executive Producer: U.S. Embassy to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean
A Vividview Production
© 2012, Vividview