The Perils Of Methadone
This is a ten minute collaboration of hours of videos about Methadone and its effects on the people that take it. Its interesting how states are up in arms over the legalization and taxation of medical marijuana when over 1,200 methadone clinics nationwide dispense an opioid harder to withdrawal from than heroin. Honestly, would you rather have your son, mother, daughter, father, etc on methadone or marijuana? The majority of Methadone patients in my area consume Methadone on the Tax Payers Dime. I have also heard from people associated with these clinics that the individual clients that are getting their drugs for free, end up creating more revenue for the clinics than those clients that pay cash. Because the Government obviously does not know how to negotiate funding even when they contain the majority of patients.
Isn’t that supposed to be the whole thing behind Obamacare?
Because their are so many patients grouped together they will each get a better deal than
on their own.
When has the US Government ever gotten a better deal due to large numbers in the last few decades?